New Arrivals
5 Yards of Thibaut Crete Heron Chenille Decorator Fabric
6.5 Yards Cowtan and Tout Rutland Verdure 11463-02 Decorator Fabric
Pk Lifestyles Cullen Ticking Stripe Woodland Decorator Fabric
Trend Emerald Green 04250 Striated Velvet Decorator Fabric
Elizabeth 6009 Mink Decorator Fabric by J. Ennis Visions
Modern / Contemporary
7.2 Yards Crypton Jessica Charcoal Decorator Fabric
Kravet Couture 34553.15 Highs and Lows Chambray Cut Velvet Chevron Decorator Fabric
1.25 Yards Covington Kyomi 111 Pastel Decorator Fabric
Kravet Couture A Go Go - Titanium 33987 - 21 Decorator Fabric
1.5 Yards Kravet BW1034 - Black/White Clarke & Clarke F0907/01.CAC.0 Decorator Fabric
Geometric Fabric
2 Yards Thibaut Dhara Stripe - Aqua F92941 Decorator Fabric
7.8 Yards Jane Churchill - Gatsby - J889F-01 Silver Decorator Fabric
.9 Yards Nina Campbell Macaranda Topkapi NCF4434-04 Decorator Fabric
1.1 Yards of 6807613 Serengeti Aqua Embroidered Decorator Fabric
2.125 Yards RM Coco Guilty Pleasure Robins's Egg Decorator Fabric
Donghia Eliza Grey Decorator Fabric
Lee Jofa TL10084.4 Wells Gold Decorative Trim Tape