1.5 Yards of Thibaut Alpine Chevron Fog Crypton Pinnacle Collection
2.1 or 2.3 Yards of Holland & Sherry Monterosso Blue Breeze Indoor Outdoor Fabric
2.1, 3.2 or 3.8 Yards of Kravet Tapeley Garden Embroidered Decorator Fabric
2.5 Yards Fermoie Rabanna 125 Natural Decorator Fabric
2.75 Yards Quadrille Alan Campbell Petite Zig Zag New Jungle Green on Tint Decorator Fabric
3.75 yards of Thibaut Linea Chevron in Aqua Indoor/ Outdoor Fabric
Onda Denim Sunbrella Chevron Indoor/ Outdoor Fabric
P Kaufmann Artisan Lagoon Decorator Fabric
P Kaufmann Artisan Lakeland Decorator Fabric
P kaufmann Artisan Sky Decorator Fabric
Regal Lulu Navy Decorator Fabric
Thibaut Alpine Chevron White Crypton Pinnacle Collection