1.1 or 4.75 Yards of Ballard Designs Sunbrella Lisbon Citrus Indoor/Outdoor Fabric
1.1 Yards of Sunbrella Tailored Lagoon 42082-0016 Indoor/Outdoor Fabric
1.1 Yards Romo Kirby Designs Gamma Balsam K5223-04 Decorator Fabric
1.1 Yards Schumacher Mini Leopard in Cloud Indoor/Outdoor Fabric
1.2 Yards of Sunbrella Flagship Mineral 40014-0035 Fusion Indoor/Outdoor Fabric
1.2 Yards of Tempotest Tinta Unita Coral Pink Canvas 20 Indoor/Outdoor Fabric
1.2 Yards of Thibaut Crypton Quinlan Sky Decorator Fabric
1.2 Yards Schumacher Mini Leopard in Natural Indoor/Outdoor Fabric
1.2 Yards Thibaut Crypton Dune Spring Decorator Fabric
1.25 or 1.4 Yards of Ovation Sparkle Buttercup Indoor/Outdoor Outdura Fabric
1.25 yards of Regal Keller River Jacquard Decorator Fabric
1.3 or 2.1 yards Elements Burlap Indoor/Outdoor Decorator Fabric
1.3 or 3 yards of Kravet Inlaid Taupe Indoor/Outdoor Fabric
1.3 Yaards Lisa Fine Calista Peacock Performance Decorator Fabric
1.3 Yards Josephine Green Sunbrella® Performance Indoor/Outdoor Fabric
1.3 Yards of Thibaut Stella Veneto Stone W77115 Decorator Fabric
1.3 yards of Thibaut W73473 Bayside Stripe Inside Out Fabric
1.3 yards of Thibaut Wellfleet W73426 Denim Inside/ Out Fabric
1.375 Yards of Sunbrella 8014-0000 Dupione Maize Indoor / Outdoor Fabric
1.4 Yards of Jim Thompson Tunis Pearl Decorator Fabric
1.4 Yards Osborne & Little Nina Campbell Larkana Bansuri NCF4422-05 Decorator Fabric
1.4 Yards Sunbrella Esti Lagoon 44349-0004 Fusion Collection Upholstery Fabric
1.4 Yards Tracey Indigo Inside Out Decorator Fabric
1.5 or 3.6 Yards of Pk Lifestyles Line by Line Sahara Decorator Fabric
1.5 Yards Kravet Couture The Hunt is On Anthracite Decorator Fabric
1.5 Yards of Outdura Avila Cascade Indoor/ Outdoor Fabric
1.5 Yards of Peter Dunham Collage Indigo/ Grey Fabric Decorator Fabric
1.5 Yards of Thibaut Alpine Chevron Fog Crypton Pinnacle Collection
1.5 Yards Schumacher Mini Leopard in Cloud Indoor/Outdoor Fabric
1.5 Yards Stroheim Rosamelle Oceanside Decorator Fabric
1.6 or 3.2 Yards of Kravet Performance 35934-15 Blue & White Decorator Fabric