1.3 Yards of Thibaut Pixie Nickel Inside/Out Fabric
2 Yards Clarke & Clarke Konya Basil Decorator Fabric
PeterDunham Fez Green/Indigo Indoor/Outdoor Print Decorator Fabric
4.1 Yards of Thibaut W73470 Bayside Stripe Peony Inside Out Fabric
P kaufmann Artisan Sky Decorator Fabric
J Ennis Fabrics Alister 405 Russet Velvet Decorator Fabric
1.5 Yards Kravet Couture The Hunt is On Anthracite Decorator Fabric
6.2 Thibaut Lily FlowerBeige and Sunbaked Decorator Fabric
2.9 Yards Ralph Lauren Brimsfield Plaid Decorator Fabric
1.3 Yards of Thibaut Crete Oynx Decorator Fabric
Schumacher Pyne Hollyhock Charcoal Decorator Fabric
1.5 Yards Lanark Russet F2616-14 Plaid Wool Fabric
Bruschwig & Fils 39079-M13 Tassel Tie Back
8.35 Yards Brunschwig and Fils T8019101.4 Canton Tape Gold Trim
2.6 Yards Schumacher Tortola Oxford Grey Indoor/Outdoor Fabric
8.5 Yards Schumacher Octavia Decorator Fabric
Perennials Rough & Rowdy Poolside Indoor/Outdoor Decorator Fabric
3 Yards Mulberry Blue/Green Bute Decorator Fabric
4.5 or 4.9 Yards of Colefax and Fowler Palazzo Decorator Fabric
Perennials Rough & Rowdy Zephyr Indoor/Outdoor Decorator Fabric
3.7 Yards Jane Shelton Chelsea Aqua Decorator Fabric
Covington Beckford 353 Crimson Micro Check/Plaid Decorator Fabric
P Kaufman Preston Domino Black Check Windowpane 100% Linen Decorator Fabric
P K Lifestyles Royal Fern Capri Decorator Fabric
Norio Mineral Jacobean Decorator Fabric
PK Lifestyles Alaro Embroidery Denim Decorator Fabric
Hamilton Ocelot Azul Fabric
Kravet Archipelagos Aqua Decorator Fabric
Trend 04481 Delft Cut Velvet Decorator Fabric
2 Yards of Cowtan & Tout Dorsay Cinnabar Decorator Fabric
King Textiles Indoor/Outdoor Waves Crochet Nautical Decorative Trim Tape
1.5 or 1.75 Yards Le Gracieux Baldwin Artichoke Hearts JBA - 3-04 Decorator Fabric