1.7 Yards Suzanne Kasler for Lee Jofa: 2014119.6 Chantilly Weave Vicuna
1.8 Yards Colefax and Fowler Jocasta Velvet Red Decorator Fabric
2 Yards Clarke & Clarke Konya Basil Decorator Fabric
2.1 Yards Lee Jofa Turkistan - Blues 2013142-319 Decorator Fabric (Copy)
2.1 Yards of Manuel Canovas Bellegarde Bleu Toile Decorator Fabric
2.3 Yards William Morris Acanthus Tapestry Indigo/Mineral Decorator Fabric
2.5 Yards Scalamandre Melograno Multi on Cinnabar Decorator Fabric
2.75 yards Waverly Crystalline Emb Lapis 654412 Fabric
3.6 Yards Sebastain in Winter Red Decorator Fabric
3.75 Yards of Jango in Tango Chenille Upholstery Fabric by TFA
3.8 Yards Schumacher Chatelaine Paisley Magenta Decorator Fabric
3.9 Yards Scalamandre Meissen Magnolia Luxury Italian Lampas Decorator Fabric
4 Yards of Groundworks GWF-2913.13.0 Paisley Flock Flocked Fabric in Navy Blue
4.4 Yards of Schumacher Tortola 62840 Kiwi Indoor/Outdoor Fabric
5 Yards Greenhouse B6381 Snow White Twill Fabric
Algiers Garden Avery Confetti Decorator Fabric
Antwerp Chenille Decorator Fabric by Swavelle Mill Creek
Argunov in Aqua Tapestry Upholstery Decorator Fabric by Mill Creek
Audrey Coin Tan Decorator Fabric by Golding
Belle Maison Jonah Traditional Decorator Fabric
Cadogan Oasis Decorator Fabric by Richloom
Colefax and Fowler Carey Forest Decorator Fabric
De Leo Akbar Coral Tiger Cut-Velvet Epingle Decorator Fabric
De Leo Akbar Graphite Tiger Cut-Velvet Epingle Decorator Fabric
De Leo Imperial Classic Blue Dragon Cut-Velvet Epingle Decorator Fabric
Denholme Haze Decorator Fabric by Richloom
Embroidered Sampler Snowflake Decorator Fabric
Felicity Jewel Tapestry Decorator Fabric
Garden Row Dahlia Decorator Fabric
Hamilton Flagstaff Redwood Tapestry Decorator Fabric
Kachmet Red Chenille Tapestry Fabric
Karina Desert Inside Out Performance Indoor Outdoor Decorator Fabric