1.2 Yards of Sunbrella Hybrid Limelite Indoor / Outdoor Fabric
1.375 Yards of Sunbrella 8014-0000 Dupione Maize Indoor / Outdoor Fabric
1.5 Yards of Sunbrella 8064-0000 Dupione Nectarine Indoor / Outdoor Fabric
1.6 Yards Cowtan and Tout Larsen Griffin Toffee Fabric
1.8 Yards of Perennials Ishi Sunstruck Indoor/Outdoor Decorator Fabric
2 Yards Derby Solid Cream 403832 by PKL Studio Fabric
2.3 Yards Hamilton Rosser Atlantic Decorator Fabric
2.5 or 3 Yards Thibaut Bristol Seafoam Inside/Out Performance Fabric
3.2 or 4.7 Yards of Foundation 1 Smoke InsideOut Performance Indoor/Outdoor Fabric
4.4 Yards of Thibaut Bristol Flax Inside/Out Performance Fabric
4.6 Yards of Thibaut Bristol Royal Blue Inside/Out Performance Fabric
5 Yards of Foundation 3 Birch InsideOut Performance Indoor/Outdoor Fabric
5.2 Yards of Perennials Touchy Feely Platinum Indoor/Outdoor Decorator Fabric
5.3 Yards of C & F Stratford Navy Decorator Fabric
5.7 Yards Crypton Silex Stone Upholstery Fabric
5.8 Yards of Thibaut Kelly Green Inside/Out Performance Fabric
6 Yards Rollo Cloud Inside Out Performance Indoor Outdoor Fabric with Knit Backing
6.5 Yards Cowtan and Tout Larsen Griffin Ice Fabric
6.9 Yards C & F Rita Ivoire Fabric (in 2 pieces)
Boise Flax Decorator Fabric
Boise Pearl Decorator Fabric
Crypton Home Rushdie Lapis Decorator Fabric
Crypton Home Rushdie Ocean Decorator Fabric
Crypton Oren Sienna Decorator Fabric
Crypton Sense Stone Upholstery Fabric
Crypton Sense Upholstery Fabric in Cloud
Crypton Sense Upholstery Fabric in Fern
Crypton Sense Upholstery Fabric in Poppy
De Leo Arlo Lime Chenille Decorator Fabric
Entice Camel Velvet Decorator Fabric
Focal Point Air Blue Decorator Fabric
Focal Point Coral Decorator Fabric