2.1 Yards Holland and Sherry Savile Row Windsor Tweed Ella Decorative Fabric
1.4 Yards of Scalamandre Aldeco Blessed Nude Cloud Decorator Fabric
4.5 Yards of Pollack Tailored Twill Wild Rice Decorator Fabric
Regal Lulu Navy Decorator Fabric
Mesmerize Pearl Grey P Kaufmann Fabric
Onda Denim Sunbrella Chevron Indoor/ Outdoor Fabric
P Kaufmann Artisan Lagoon Decorator Fabric
P Kaufmann Artisan Lakeland Decorator Fabric
P kaufmann Artisan Sky Decorator Fabric
2.5 or 4.5 Yards of Covington HP Guilford Blush Herringbone Performance Fabric
Garwood Fog Inside Out Performance Indoor Outdoor Fabric
6 yards Garwood Chai Inside Out Performance Indoor Outdoor Fabric
Covington HP Guilford Dove Herringbone Performance Fabric
Garwood Lake Inside Out Performance Indoor Outdoor Fabric