2.4 Yards Tempo Shiraz Mist Decorator Fabric
2.4 Yards Thibaut Claudette Navy Decorator Fabric
2.5 or 4.5 Yards of Covington HP Guilford Blush Herringbone Performance Fabric
2.5 yards of Golding Avalon Anais Printed Linen Blend Drapery Fabric in French Blue
2.6 Yards Cowtan and Tout Fontanges Blue, Cream Decorator Fabric
2.6 Yards Glynn Linen 195 Vintage Linen Decorator Fabric
2.6 Yards of Fermoie Wicker Weave 109 Laminated Decorator Fabric
2.6 Yards Quadrille Seto Red Decorator Fabric
2.6 Yards Rebecca Atwood Dotted Floral Navy Decorator Fabric
2.6 Yards Schumacher Chenonceau Decorator Fabric
2.7 Yards Christopher Farr Cremaillere Natrural Decorator Fabric
2.75 Yards Carolina Irving Textiles Mimosa Viola Decorator Fabric
2.75 Yards of Fabricut Aviary Toile Chambray Decorator Fabric
2.75 Yards Quadrille Alan Campbell Petite Zig Zag New Jungle Green on Tint Decorator Fabric
2.75 Yards Stone Harbor Gray Floral Cotton Upholstery Fabric by the Yard
2.9 Yards 654180 Ready to Roll Embroidery Twine Decorator Fabric by P/K Lifestyles
2.9 Yards Lacefield Designs Diaz Azure Decorator Fabric
2.9 yards of A9746 Peacock by Greenhouse Fabrics 32707-601 Aqua Green
2.9 Yards of Marika Meyer San Michele 16 Laminated Decorator Fabric
3 or 3.75 Yards Thibaut Waterford Floral in Blue - F924341 Decorator Fabric
3 Yards of After the Rain English Rose Old Blue Decorator Fabric by Edinburgh Weavers
3 yards of PK Lifestlyes Kyss Emb Steam 450140 Fabric
3 Yards of Rebecca Garden Linen Decorator Fabric
3 Yards of Riad Pearl Blush Kravet Decorator Fabric
3 yards of Schumacher Fitzroy Linen Damask in Vellum
3 yards of Thibaut Marine Coral Fabric
3 Yards of Threads by G P & J Baker Fallingwater Teal Decorator Fabric
3.1 Yards Edinburg Covent Garden Mod Flora Decorator Fabric
3.2 yards Leo Tundra Decorator Fabric by Richloom
3.2 Yards Suzanne Tucker Villandry Lamb's Ear 3024/06 Decorator Fabric
3.25 Yards of 450141 Kyss Emb Adobo Decorator Fabric by PK Lifestyles B6624 Greenhouse
3.25 Yards of Larson Horato Indigo L9237-04 Decorator Fabric